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Generation Scotland

The University of Edinburgh
Screenshot of Dogslife login page

Generation Scotland was one of my first major projects in the Web Development Team at the University of Edinburgh. The website was also the team's first foray into Drupal 8 and was one of my first experiences using Drupal altogether. The purpose of the website was to invite selected participants to complete medical surveys. There were various surveys that needed to be developed that would gather data from participants. Once the surveys had been completed, they would then be exported from the website and analysed by the Generation Scotland team.

This was largely an independent project with input and support from my team when appropriate. I also leased with the Generation Scotland team to ensure that the project was to their requirements.

About me

Christopher Wales is a software engineer based in Edinburgh, Scotland. He enjoys learning about and practicing multiple software development discplines such as application development, web development, DevOps, and Artificial Intelligence. He works as a Software Engineer at Rohallion where he develops custom web solutions and holds a first-class degree with honours in Computer Science from Edinburgh Napier University.