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Oxford Recruitment

Canary Web screenshot

The Oxford Recruitment website was a project I undertook in early 2023. The client wanted to revamp their recruitment website to attract new talent to the council. I was tasked with delivering the project.

My main responsibilities in the project were to implement the customer's designs and to implement the backend logic so the clients could write content using a variety of components from the CMS. These were both fairly challenging due to the complexity of the designs and the various ways they could be used.

The clients were extremely pleased with the end result (as am I).

About me

Christopher Wales is a software engineer based in Edinburgh, Scotland. He enjoys learning about and practicing multiple software development discplines such as application development, web development, DevOps, and Artificial Intelligence. He works as a Software Engineer at Rohallion where he develops custom web solutions and holds a first-class degree with honours in Computer Science from Edinburgh Napier University.